How do Dental Sealants Work

How do dental Sealants work

Have you ever wondered how dental sealants work their magic on your teeth? It’s time to unveil the mystery and discover how these little warriors keep cavities at bay. Dental sealants protect chewing surfaces from cavities by covering them with protective layers that gather germs and bacteria. 

Once applied, sealants protect against 80% of cavities for at least two years and continue to save them against 50% of cavities for up to 4 years.  

Get ready for a journey into the world of dental sealants!

How Do Dental Sealants Work

Does getting sealants involve a complex procedure? Fear not! The application is straightforward. First, your teeth get a good cleaning. Then, a special gel is applied to help the sealant bond. After that, the sealant material is brushed onto your teeth chewing surfaces and set in place with a curing light. Quick, painless, and done!

Fortifying Your Smile with Us

Dental sealants are like invisible shields for your teeth. They are thin, plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth. They act as a protective barrier that seals off those sneaky spots where cavities love to sneak in.

How Do Cavities Form

Now, let’s talk about the enemy: cavities. Cavities are like tiny troublemakers that start with bacteria and leftover food setting up camp on your teeth. They particularly love the deep grooves of your molars, where they can wreak havoc and create those dreaded tiny holes.

Sealants as a Rescue 

Cavities are the entry points for bacteria and germs.

When your dentist applies sealants, it’s like putting up a “No Entry” sign for bacteria. The sealant material fills in the crevices and creates a smooth surface on your molars, making it tough for those cavity-causing critters to stick around. It’s like giving your teeth an extra layer of defense.

How Long Do Sealants Stand Guard?

You might be thinking, “Do these shields last forever?” Well, they don’t last forever, but they’re no short-term fling, either. Sealants are designed to stay put for several years, offering reliable protection against cavities. Just keep up with your regular dental check-ups, and your dentist will make sure everything’s in tip-top shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

On average, dental sealants have varying life span depending on your diet and oral habits. But they long lasting for 4 to 9 years if taken with care.

Sealants are effective and safe for reducing cavities and getting germs, and bacteria due to the gathering of debris.


And there you have it! Dental sealants in Marysville are like the protective shields of your oral health, standing guard against cavities and keeping your smile sparkling. So, salute to these invisible protectors – your teeth’s secret shields!

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